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  • Become an advanced, confident PHP developer from scratch
  • Become job-ready by understanding how PHP really works behind the webpage
  • PHP fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, strings, control flow loops, etc.
  • How to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows coding coding
  • PHP OOPs - Object Oriented Programming Concept to build enterprise applications
  • Learn to Code PHP - MySQL forms Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality with real-world examples
  • Standard Functional application required forms with MD5 like algorithms
  • Client-side Validations: On Submit, input, login form, password strength check, etc.
  • Server-side Validations: On Submit all input data validation, RegEx and Input Type validations
  • Error Handling: How to apply try catch finally block coding to handle real-time errors.


Learn PHP Webforms from scratch, The first step to Dynamic Coding you need to learn to succeed in server-side website behavior, it is easy to learn and understand our online PHP Training course, It is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn to start Basic topics by Mr. Sekhar Metla [MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time code examples.

Join the best PHP beginners course to learn all about PHP webforms the start up to in great depth!

The PHP course for everyone! Master PHP with core and advanced OOPs, Inheritance, CRUD, Secure forms with MySQL data!


PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML and CSS. it's world popular open-source programming language which makes dynamic web pages. It is used to manage dynamic content, server-side coding, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites. It is integrated with a number of popular databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server. As a developer, you can use PHP to build web and mobile app APIs, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games.


PHP is a key language for front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers.

The average annual salary for a PHP developer is $81,000. (source:glassdoor)

Companies like Amazon, Netflix, and PayPal runs Enterprise internal applications around PHP.

Having strong PHP knowledge will help you land your dream job in Coding.


This course is your first step towards a new career in web or mobile development. Here is what you get when enroll in this course:

  • hours of HD videos
  • Coding challenge with solution
  • Expert tips to become a PHP Webforms
  • No more wasted time on disconnected, out-of-date tutorials
  • Learn at your own pace - take your time if required
  • Unlimited access - watch the course as many times as you wish
  • Certificate of completion to present to your current or future employer


123 Lessons 09:16:19

  Lesson- 1: Introduction to Getting Started 00:02:33

  Lesson- 2: Course Curriculum 00:05:42

  Lesson- 3: How to Get Pre-Requisites 00:02:10

  Lesson- 4: Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac 00:01:00

  Lesson- 5: How to ask a Great Questions 00:01:51

  Lesson- 6: FAQ’s 00:01:06

  Lesson- 1: What is PHP 00:08:00

  Lesson- 2: Installing XAMPP for PHP, MySQL and Apache 00:12:06

  Lesson- 3: Choosing Code Editor 00:03:13

  Lesson- 4: Installing Code Editor (Sublime Text) 00:03:49

  Lesson- 5: Installing Code Editor (Visual Studio Code) 00:06:33

  Lesson- 6: Creating PHP Project on XAMPP 00:03:27

  Lesson- 7: Hello World Program 00:05:46

  Lesson- 8: Summary 00:01:17

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction Variables 00:02:09

  Lesson- 2: Variables 00:16:03

  Lesson- 3: Echo and Print 00:08:02

  Lesson- 4: Data Types 00:10:56

  Lesson- 5: Numbers 00:06:04

  Lesson- 6: Boolean 00:03:45

  Lesson- 7: Arrays 00:06:18

  Lesson- 8: Multi-Dimensional Array 00:06:49

  Lesson- 9: Sorting Arrays 00:03:39

  Lesson- 10: Constants 00:04:59

  Lesson- 11: Comments 00:03:55

  Lesson- 12: Summary 00:01:11

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:00:59

  Lesson- 2: Strings 00:04:22

  Lesson- 3: String Formatting 00:05:17

  Lesson- 4: String Methods 00:07:33

  Lesson- 5: Coding Exercise 00:01:15

  Lesson- 6: Solution for Coding Exercise 00:01:29

  Lesson- 7: Summary 00:01:36

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:17

  Lesson- 2: Arithmetic operators 00:03:03

  Lesson- 3: Assignment operators 00:02:29

  Lesson- 4: Comparison operators 00:04:58

  Lesson- 5: Increment – decrement operators 00:03:28

  Lesson- 6: Logical operators 00:06:21

  Lesson- 7: Ternary operator 00:03:25

  Lesson- 8: Summary 00:01:07

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:21

  Lesson- 2: If statement 00:05:15

  Lesson- 3: If-else statement 00:02:08

  Lesson- 4: If-elseif-else statement 00:03:18

  Lesson- 5: Switch-case statement 00:04:44

  Lesson- 6: Summary 00:00:51

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:51

  Lesson- 2: Flow Chart 00:06:27

  Lesson- 3: While loop 00:08:50

  Lesson- 4: Do-while loop 00:03:30

  Lesson- 5: For loop 00:14:39

  Lesson- 6: Foreach loop 00:03:57

  Lesson- 7: Break 00:04:24

  Lesson- 8: Continue 00:01:48

  Lesson- 9: Coding Exercise 00:01:25

  Lesson- 10: Solution for Coding Exercise 00:00:56

  Lesson- 11: Summary 00:01:09

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:51

  Lesson- 2: Section Introduction 00:01:51

  Lesson- 3: Function with Arguments 00:07:42

  Lesson- 4: Default Argument 00:02:37

  Lesson- 5: Function return values 00:06:07

  Lesson- 6: Call-by-value 00:01:39

  Lesson- 7: Call-by-reference 00:02:33

  Lesson- 8: Summary 00:01:09

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:31

  Lesson- 2: $_SERVER 00:03:34

  Lesson- 3: $_REQUEST 00:02:44

  Lesson- 4: $_POST Method 00:05:52

  Lesson- 5: $_GET Method 00:02:24

  Lesson- 6: Summary 00:01:13

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:46

  Lesson- 2: Form Handling 00:08:03

  Lesson- 3: Date and Time 00:07:57

  Lesson- 4: Include 00:06:12

  Lesson- 5: Require 00:02:11

  Lesson- 6: Cookies 00:05:58

  Lesson- 7: Sessions 00:07:57

  Lesson- 8: File Reading 00:02:23

  Lesson- 9: File Writing 00:04:34

  Lesson- 10: File Upload 00:06:27

  Lesson- 11: Summary 00:00:54

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:26

  Lesson- 2: What is OOP 00:02:45

  Lesson- 3: Class and Objects 00:10:48

  Lesson- 4: Constructor 00:03:51

  Lesson- 5: Destructor 00:02:31

  Lesson- 6: Access Modifiers 00:10:13

  Lesson- 7: Inheritance 00:11:54

  Lesson- 8: Method overriding 00:05:52

  Lesson- 9: Abstract Class 00:03:23

  Lesson- 10: Interface 00:08:08

  Lesson- 11: Summary 00:01:05

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:35

  Lesson- 2: MySQL Basic PhpMyAdmin 00:03:56

  Lesson- 3: Creating Database and Table 00:07:29

  Lesson- 4: Database Connection 00:05:21

  Lesson- 5: PHP Form Create records 00:15:53

  Lesson- 6: PHP Form Reading records 00:10:45

  Lesson- 7: PHP Form Update Data 00:14:50

  Lesson- 8: PHP Form Delete records 00:04:08

  Lesson- 9: Summary 00:01:03

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:00:50

  Lesson- 2: Registration Form 00:04:28

  Lesson- 3: MD5 Algorithm for Encrypting 00:03:22

  Lesson- 4: Sha Algorithm 00:02:14

  Lesson- 5: Login Form 00:11:49

  Lesson- 6: Dashboard 00:04:53

  Lesson- 7: Summary 00:00:47

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:11

  Lesson- 2: On Submit Validation 00:08:42

  Lesson- 3: Input Numeric Validation 00:12:16

  Lesson- 4: Login Form Validation 00:05:14

  Lesson- 5: Password Strength Check Validation 00:04:19

  Lesson- 6: Summary 00:01:05

  Lesson- 1: Section Introduction 00:01:04

  Lesson- 2: Form Server-side all Data Validation 00:06:17

  Lesson- 3: Form Server-side Validation 00:05:44

  Lesson- 4: Summary 00:01:08

  Lesson- 1: Try-throw-catch 00:05:58

  Lesson- 2: Try-throw-catch-finally 00:01:50

  Lesson- 1: Bonus Lecture for Where to Go? 00:01:28


  123 Lessons
  Full Lifetime Access
  Access on Mobile
  Access on Web
  Certificate of Completion
M.R.P.: 1199.00
ISC Price: 469.00
You Save: 730 (60.88% off)

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